Problem with setting a Python Deep Learning Environment

A few more general remarks:

  • with Python and KNIME it is all about compatibility and consistency of the packages. That is where Anaconda tries to help
  • you should not update individual packages but let Anaconda manage that
  • concerning Tensorflow and Keras note which versions are supported by the various KNIME nodes (typically that is not the most recent version)
  • these versions must be compatible with your Python version (it might be that it is to large)

I am working on a text about KNIME and Python. But in general your path could look something like this. Please check hints that would come from conda and adapt accordingly.

# create KNIME’s Conda environment
# KNIME Python Integration Guide
conda env create -f=/Users/test/py36_knime.yml

# check the environments if py36_knime is there
conda info --envs

# active KNIME Python environment
source activate py36_knime

# set anaconda as top priority channel
# my impression is that anaconda as priority is more stable
conda config --prepend channels anaconda

# add conda-forge at the end of channels
conda config --append channels conda-forge

# check channel priority
conda config --get channels

# should look something like this:
# --add channels ‘conda-forge’ # lowest priority
# --add channels ‘defaults’
# --add channels ‘anaconda’ # highest priority

# set channel priority to flexible
conda config --set channel_priority flexible

# update anaconda
conda update conda
conda update anaconda

# install tensorflow (you might try to set a different version, you might have to try)
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow=1.8.0
# install Keras (you might try to set a different version, you might have to try)
conda install -c conda-forge keras=2.1.6

# repeat update anaconda
conda update conda
conda update anaconda